Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Ryutaro come back to JE this year??

SUMMARY REPORT 2012 “Official Ryutaro Morimoto’s come back decision”

"It has been an officially Good news to Ryuu fans. Because Ryutaro is now willing to sign the contract of coming back to Johnny’s Network this year. As you all may have known that he is an ex-member of HeySayJUMP. He’s been suspended by getting caught of using of tabacco materials. He has been suspended for 2 years. But last year he should be back, but he didn’t accept the offer. Due to focusing with his studies. Right now, this 2012 HeySayJUMP had released a photo of them with a vacant chair and with a teddy bear. At first, they thought that it was only a show off or something. But truth is, it’s a hint that Ryuu’s come back decision had good news. Last day July 6, 2012. Many people spotted Ryutaro Morimoto at JE. He’s with his Father there. But JE released a news. That Ryutaro is very willing to go back to Johnny’s cause he’s already a high school graduating student and he had already reset his life. But Johnny Kitagawa haven’t approved the contract for Ryutaro Morimoto’s come back yet. Because they said that it will be taken a several deliberations before he’ll be back. "

POV: "I hope this wasn't just a rumour, I hope it will come true so Hey! Say! JUMP will have 10 members again.. Ganbatte Ryuu!! Love our hamster boy." #JUMP to the sky, JUMP around the world, I'm so happy.. I think I smile happily all the day xD, tomorrow and itsumademo for HSJ 10.

Yesterday, first time I saw that picture I felt happy cause JUMP have 10 chair in that, but it made me sad when I realized that which sat on the vacant chair (I think it for Ryuu) was a teddy bear not a hamster (Ryuu is a Hamster Boy). But it ok now, right?

I think this photo is new isn't it??

Ganbatte Ryuu... 
Lets pray to Ryuu for he will pass the deliberations and come back to JE as soon as possible. Amen..

2 komentar:

  1. yg pke bju garis-garis yg kmu maksud?? itu kalo gk salah scanan mjalah skitar setaun lalu sbelum scandal ryu keluar :O

  2. iya, abis ini q nemuin 1 fto tahun lalu yg hair style.ny mirip bgt kya ni fto #kurang teliti sblm
